3D model description
This is a print model of a bust of Corporal Cecil Wormsborough St. John Nobbs of the Ankh-Morpork Night Watch, better known as “Nobby”, from the beloved Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. Various artists have speculated about how Nobby could look, guided by Pratchett’s description that Nobby is the only human inhabitant of the Discworld who needs a certificate that he is in fact human. I have based my sculpt mainly on Paul Kidby’s version in the Discworld Imaginarium, creating Nobby slightly out of normal human proportions and giving him several skin afflictions like mentioned in the novels, too. Nobby wears a rather battered and neglected night watch armour with dents and patches of rust creeping up on the breast plate; the only thing well maintained and proudly polished on Nobby’s armour is in fact the watch badge, which says a lot of his character.
The model consists of four separate files: 2 versions of the torso (one hollow, one solid) and both arms. This is for easier printing in smaller printers, but most of all for easier painting.
The model was sculpted with Nomad Sculpt on my iPad. The files provided are stl-files. The height of the bust ist roughly 95 mm, sorting it into the 1/10 scale range of many other commercial busts. Of course it is up to you to change the size according to your own wishes.
3D printing settings
Height: 95 mm (1/10 scale).
Print model not hollowed out due to its size.
No supports provided, as it is generally better to add the supports according to the specifications of your own printer.
Intended as a resin print, may loose most of its details when printed in a filament printer.