When I try to build my Flutter (Flutter 3.16.9, channel stable) app I receive the above mentioned error:
Failed to build iOS app
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): No such module 'MLKitVision'
I have the latest CocoaPods version installed, which is 1.15.1
as of today.
My build steps are
flutter clean &&
flutter pub get &&
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs &&
flutter run
as well as
cd ios/
rm -rf Podfile.lock &&
rm -rf Pods &&
pod repo update &&
pod cache clean --all &&
pod deintegrate &&
pod setup &&
pod install --repo-update
With these steps I could get through errors like this in the past, this seems to be different today, though.
Does anybody experience the same, or maybe has found a solution to this?