FLARM and PilotAware, leaders in Electronic Conspicuity and Situational Awareness for both powered and non-powered aircraft in Europe, today announced their cooperation on technology integration and product development to provide comprehensive and interoperable solutions for Electronic Conspicuity.
Electronic Conspicuity is a vital component of future airspace. With the ever-increasing complexity, interoperability will be key to increasing traffic safety. This collaboration will enable interoperability between FLARM’s and PilotAware’s product lines, leading to the development of advanced EC systems to meet future flight requirements for manned and unmanned aircraft.
In an industry marked by increasing regulation, FLARM and PilotAware believe in the importance of innovation. Both companies bring a wealth of experience to the table. FLARM has been a pioneer in the field of collision avoidance technology, providing cutting-edge solutions that have become integral to the aviation community. PilotAware, with its track record of rapid innovation and commitment to safety, has also played a crucial role in shaping greater interoperability between existing legacy systems using multiple technologies.
PilotAware FX
The first product in this collaboration to provide full plug-and-play interoperability with existing legacy FLARM products is the all-new PilotAware Rosetta FX.
The Rosetta FX (FLARM Extender) enhances an existing FLARM installation with full PilotAware detect and avoid capability, ADSB-in and access to the complete PilotAware infrastructure including virtual weather RADAR.
Read more about Rosetta FX here.