My M1 MacBook Air has an extension that is not installed properly. Every time the computer restarts it gives me a warning that it should be reinstalled via the Settings application. Alas, my efforts to do that have not solved the problem.
I had a handful of extensions installed, and I tried disabling and re-enabling them, but the issue did not resolve. Eventually I uninstalled all the apps that had extensions available in that menu. This also did not help.
This bug actually makes my computer quite slow. At times it is so unresponsive that when I type some text into a window, it lags for ten seconds or so with nothing appearing, and then the letters sometimes come in out of order.
I suspect that the extension may be one that operates by analyzing the text that I enter into Safari, in order to correct my grammar or serve me relevant coupons or something. Safari does seem to be the nexus of the slowness.
These are the apps that I removed to clear out my extension list.
Now I am wondering, if this bug is detected during startup, is it possible to get any other details about what it is doing or where it is installed? There does not seem to be any significant processes running when I check the Activity Monitor.
And, can I look at the system location where Safari extensions go, or perhaps re-install Safari entirely?