Manufacturing Week 2023 – Manufacturing Webinar Events and Speakers Meta

We’re excited to introduce the first annual Shapeways Manufacturing Week (SWM Week), taking place from October 2-6, 2023. SWM Week offers an action-packed schedule of learning for engineers, designers, and manufacturing professionals. 

Interact with thought leaders, gain valuable insight to help redefine your approach to manufacturing, and take advantage of exclusive promotions. Shapeways brands MFG and Linear AMS will also share expertise on business evolution and innovative applications for additive manufacturing. 

Whether you’re an independent manufacturer, designer, or an industrial engineer, join us to connect with peers and leaders in your field! SWM Week is entirely virtual–just complete your registration here

Unable to attend live? Register for the events you’re interested in, and we’ll send you the recordings afterward.

Schedule of Events

Monday, October 2

Day 1 / Business Evolution Day – As we kick off the first day of SWM Week on October 2 with Business Evolution Day, the focus is on independent manufacturers, and how they can ramp up their business. Topics will include website optimization and use of social media platforms to engage with target audiences.

Learn from independent CNC manufacturers as they discuss strategies for business growth and offer actionable advice for taking your company to the next level. Whether you’re just starting a shop, or work at an established company, this event serves as a practical guide for modern business development strategies.

Tuesday, October 3

Day 2 / Designer Day – Designer Day is focused on designers, engineers, inventors, and innovators. 

Be sure to register for the informative tutorial with our 3D design partner CADmore, as they share advanced strategies for design. 

On the traditional manufacturing side, don’t miss ETHO founder, Dave Fustino as he outlines the process from concept to mass production, following design for manufacturing principles. Whether you’re an engineer, designer, or industry professional, this event offers valuable insights and actionable tips.

Wednesday, October 4

Day 3 / Traditional + Additive Manufacturing – Scheduled for October 4, Traditional + Additive Manufacturing Day is a chance to hear how these methods can complement each other in everything from rapid prototyping to full-scale production, and in other surprising use-cases too. Industry leaders Harold Sears, David Tucker, and John Tenbusch will lead a panel discussion, sharing their expertise on how to select the best manufacturing strategies. 

Whether you’re interested in exploring end-to-end manufacturing solutions, conformal cooling showcases, or you’re just eager to ask your top manufacturing questions, this day is designed to expand your understanding of manufacturing possibilities.

Thursday, October 5

Day 4 / 3DU Day – Join us for 3DU Day on October 5, as we learn about additive manufacturing’s role in education and explore the growth of 3D printing in the education sector.

Register to hear from Shapeways SVP of Technology, Ajay Raina, and Engineering Tech Lead, Joe Estefane, as they explore the fascinating intersection of Generative AI and 3D printing, and delve into how AI is revolutionizing development and production processes.

We’re also offering special promotions and contests for designers and engineers. As an added bonus, the Shapeways educational discount is also increased from 15% to 20% for the month of October!  

Friday, October 6

Day 5 / Shapeways Manufacturing Day – Don’t miss out on the exciting conclusion of Shapeways Manufacturing Week on Day 5. Register for a Fireside Chat featuring Shapeways CEO Greg Kress, AMUG and Layered Manufacturing and Consulting President Shannon VanDeren, and moderator Amanda Harrell, GM, eCom & VP, Marketing for Shapeways. This discussion will cover industry trends in both traditional production and 3D printing, while also discussing the future of AI in manufacturing. 

Whether you’re in business, design, or academia, you won’t want to miss this comprehensive wrap-up to a week focused on manufacturing’s evolving landscape. Mark the date–the Fireside Chat is a must-attend event!

SWM Week Contests and Promotions

Be on the lookout for special prizes, promotions, and exclusive savings during SWM Week. For instance, you can nominate an engineer in our Engineer Appreciation Contest for the opportunity to receive a $500 Amazon gift card—or enter our Design Contest for a chance to receive $100 in 3D printing credit for High Definition Full Color.

Don’t miss the chance to participate in a week filled with rewarding opportunities and events, exciting contests, and exclusive promotions. For complete event details and to register, visit the Shapeways Manufacturing Week website.

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