macos – Is there a way to prevent apps like Google’s from adding services/daemons to mac?

Crook companies like Google and others love to install daemons/services on


Sonoma alerts me when this happens, but I want to be able to prevent craps like this even installing.

Unfortunately, I create things for the web and I need to test it using Chrome. Every time I run chrome, here we go, it fiddles with the LaunchDaemons and adds its crap.

I have thought of creating a zero byte file there, with the name they expect but with permission 000 (chmod 000), but because sometimes you are installing apps that have my admin password, these files will be overwritten.

I know that some files in the system have permissions that not even with a superuser permission one can access. How can I set these files like that, so they cannot be overwritten?

By the way, how macOS knows what to launch when the user log in? It

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