Python in VS Code gets even better

September’s been a busy time in the world of Python. This end-of-month roundup has Python rocking the top of the Tiobe charts like Java once did, Microsoft dropping an all-in-one data-science pack for Python and VS Code, and a solid guide to using the py launcher—your best friend for Python on Windows. And, if you’re scratching your head over whether to choose Go or Python, we have answers.

Top picks for Python readers on InfoWorld

Microsoft unveils Python Data Science Extension Pack for Visual Studio Code
Python language support, Jupyter notebooks, data wrangling, and GitHub Copilot—it’s everything you need, all in one package!

Python scores its highest rating in Tiobe index
At 18%, Python now ranks where Java was eight years ago. Is anyone else wondering where we’ll be in another eight years … or two?

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