What else do I need to modernize? 3 principles to guide you

By Luis Javier Sanchez, Application Transformation and Migration Services

We refreshed our infrastructure and moved workloads to the public cloud. We even upgraded our applications to newer development frameworks and versions of middleware and database solutions.

So why am I still having difficult conversations with my business units about launching products late?

modernization-main.pngThese and similar thoughts are keeping CIOs across the globe up at night. It seems to them that their modernization efforts to date are not enough. What more must they do to help their organizations keep pace with the market?

Modernization principle 1

Companies can beat their competition by shortening the feedback cycle and releasing newer versions of their products quickly.

Modernization principle 1: Modernize your applications to adopt agile architectures that allow faster changes to smaller elements and establish a solid foundation to develop data and AI-driven applications.

But be smart! Breaking down applications into microservices or transforming stateful applications to stateless architectures is a complex, lengthy task. Perform a quick business-centric run-through of your applications based on criteria that align with your organization’s objectives. Then apply lower-level modernization strategies to the need-to-work applications. That lets you focus on modernizing and moving your need-to-win applications to modern and data and AI-driven application architectures that provide a true competitive advantage.

Modernization principle 2

You can’t unlock the full potential of agile applications unless the underlying resources ensure capabilities such as portability, scalability, and elasticity.

Modernization principle 2: Adopt hybrid cloud platforms to shrink the internal supply chain by leveraging as-a-service-based consumption experiences. Mitigate risk by removing the dependency on old inflexible and proprietary platforms that require scarce skillsets and moving to cloud infrastructure. Achieve operational excellence through repeatability and orchestration by making automation part of your DNA to unlock self-service capabilities.

Modernization principle 3

Modern agile application architectures and modern methods to provide and consume resources require modern ways of working.

Modernization principle 3: Evolve your operating model and your teams to achieve greater agility. The adoption of cloud infrastructure requires strong security practices and policies along with reactive organizations that embrace agile development and operations methods. Drive organizational and cultural change across your teams. Foster innovation through a strong transformation and governance office that supports your long-term strategy and vision. Make sure that you use a structured framework in conjunction with a strong methodology to assess the maturity of your current operating model to define a realistic roadmap with tangible actions. For many, such transformation fails in part due to unstructured and ad-hoc approaches, but also due to the large number of domains and interlocks to address.

Your roadmap is unique

Too many businesses believe that they only need to modernize their infrastructure. But successful companies embrace these three key modernization principles simultaneously. Your organization, your market segment, your customers, your competitors, and your transformation journey are unique. Each organization must define its distinctive roadmap and the level of modernization required to evolve its teams and operating model and achieve greater agility in the full lifecycle, architecture and deployment of applications.

Learn more about HPE cloud consulting services and how we can help modernize your IT for a competitive advantage.


picture-headshot-biopic-luis.pngMeet HPE Blogger Luis Javier Sanchez, Application Transformation and Migration Services

Luis is a hybrid cloud consultant and is part of a global team with focus on application migration and modernization. With 15 years of experience, he has been helping customers understand their application landscape and design the modernization and migration paths for applications ranging from legacy to modern technologies. With an outcome-driven mind set, Luis has participated in application transformation projects over the globe, from the initial strategic decisions to the execution of the modernization activities or the actual migration.

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