Specialty chemicals firm ALTANA AG introduced a series of new resin-based Cubic Ink materials for 3D printing at Formnext.
Among them were the company’s first materials for SLA applications. ALTANA’s efforts in 3D printing have primarily focused on inkjet inks – the company helped to develop the dp polar business before selling its stake to 3D Systems last year – but has now expanded its play in 3D printing through the launch of SLA resins.
The Cubic Ink High Performance 2-1400 VP is one of those SLA materials and is said to boast a balanced set of mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties with a very low water uptake. Other characteristics include transparency, the ability to deliver good surface finish, and low shrinkage.
ALTANA’s Cubic Ink Mold 210 VP and 601 VP, meanwhile, have also been deigned for resin printing and feature low viscosity for rapid printing. Suitable for the production of hearing aid moulds, for example, ALTANA says printed moulds can be effectively cleaned using common washing solvents, such as IPA, and be ready for filling with the corresponding moulding compound after ten minutes of UV post-exposure.
Other materials presented by ALTANA at Formnext were the Cubic Ink High Performance 4-1301 VP for medical technology applications, which has been tested for its non-cytotoxic properties by accredited testing laboratories, and the Cubic Ink High Performance 4-2800 VP-ESD, which has been engineered for crafting items that possess electrostatic dissipative properties. The Cubic Ink High Performance 4-2100 VP was another being showcased by ALTANA. This material features exceptional impact strength and heat resistance, while also boasting ‘remarkable flexibility.’
These materials have been developed by ALTANA, with the company remaining committed to the 3D printing industry despite selling its stake in dp polar last year.
“ALTANA is focusing its Cubic Ink family of 3D printing materials on system-open and industry applicable additive manufacturing across DLP, LCD, and SLA technologies,” commented Dr Max Röttger, Head of Cubic Ink at ALTANA AG. “Our customers reap the rewards of our extensive solution expertise in pioneering high-performance materials. Furthermore, we offer dedicated support to our customers in the development and formulation of high-performance inkjet inks for material jetting.”