App Encryption Documentation iOS – what type of encryption algorithms does my app implement?

I am uploading my app build using Apple Store Connect.

I am in front of the “Missing Compilance” question:
Missing Compilance question and answers
Looking to the possible answer I am not sure about which one is the best for my app.

I tried to find a solution googling or on Apple official documentation:

My app is written in Flutter, it does HTTPS requests and it uses these libraries (about encryption):

In particular, the app:

  • downloads a string (SSS) from the web;
  • uses the AES algorithm from the “encrypt” package to encrypt the secret string (EEE);
  • mixes the new encrypted secret string (EEE) with the encryption key (KKK) in the “final” string (EKEKEK);
  • saves the final string (EKEKEK) in the storage using “flutter_secure_storage”;

So in the storage we have a string (EKEKEK) representing a mix of the encrypted string and his key – this string will be decrypted and embed in HTTPS requests later (but it isn’t relevant).

In view of this, which encryption algorithms does my app implement?

  1. Encryption algorithms that are proprietary or not accepted as standard by international standard bodies (IEEE, IETF, ITU, etc.)
  2. Standard encryption algorithms instead of, or in addition to, using or accessing the encryption within Apple’s operating system
  3. Both algorithms mentioned above

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