c# – How can I rearrange sections in a UITableView using drag and drop?

I’m developing a Xamarin.iOS application that lets users create sections and add items to them. I want to incorporate a drag and drop function to allow users to reorder the sections they’ve created.

I’m using a “UITableView” to display sections, which represent a series of items. Here’s an example:

Section 0: Kitchen

    Row 0: Refrigerator

    Row 1: Table

Section 1: Bedroom

    Row 0: Bed

    Row 1: Wardrobe

I’ve managed to rearrange the rows using the drag and drop feature by following this guide.

However, I’m struggling with rearranging the sections using drag and drop. Should I use a custom “UILongPressGestureRecognizer”? Are there any helpful tips or libraries that could assist me with this?

Thank you

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