Copy the address for the Vercel front end by opening it and looking at the address bar. Returning to Spring, add that domain to the allowed origins in the controller:
package com.example.iwreactspring.controller
@CrossOrigin(origins = "")
public class MyController { … }
Now rebuild Spring and run again. You should only have to do this once, but it is admittedly clunky. To improve the situation, we could extract the Vercel front-end hosting location to a property and inject that into the controller, so we won’t have to modify the code if the location changes.
If you run into the browser disallowing the self-signed certificate, check out this resource. The workaround is to give the browser permission to accept self-signed certs for your VM’s domain.
Ultimately, you’ll be presented with a fully working application that uses MongoDB Atlas, a GCP virtual machine, and Vercel to host the three components, as shown here:
Matthew Tyson
The biggest shortcut we have taken here is regarding the self-signed certificate. Otherwise, these components are all in legitimate production hosting environments. Of course, a lot is to be desired for clean ongoing operations. We could devote considerable attention to making these components simple to deploy and test and ensure smooth releases.
The downside of this setup is the inherent network calls across the components. We could reduce those by self-hosting everything within our public cloud. On the upside, we have highly isolated services at each component, supporting an easier separation of teams, projects, and deployment pipelines.