security – Can’t connect to local network Minecraft server from my Mac

I’m trying to connect to a local Minecraft server (running on Windows) by direct IP from my macbook client. It worked before I updated to the latest MacOS 15.2 version.

The server is opened on 7777 port. Both computers are in the same local WiFi network.
I can successfully connect to the server on this port from a terminal using ping, nc, telnet:

pata@pata-mac:~ % nc -zv 7777
Connection to port 7777 [tcp/cbt] succeeded!
pata@pata-mac:~ % telnet 7777
Connected to

But when trying to connect from Minecraft client – it throws an error: Failed to connect the server. No route to host.

The problem here is that it Minecraft doesn’t appear to be programmed to request access. It is not even standalone app, it is run as java process… The weirdest thing – is that I can connect in the opposite way. When I host the server on my Mac, and connect froma Windows client…

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