Today we’re very happy to announce that our book Thinking in SwiftUI is updated for iOS 17, and available in both PDF as well as print.
After releasing the previous edition we have held a large number of workshops and gained a lot more experience with both SwiftUI itself as well as teaching the material. Because of this, we decided to rewrite the book from scratch.
The new book contains better explanations, and a lot more visuals, diagrams, and examples. During the writing of this new edition iOS 17 came out, which brought a lot of updates to SwiftUI. We decided to include all the relevant changes (clearly marked as such for those of us that have to support older platforms).
We explicitly set out with the goal of not trying to cover every possible API in SwiftUI. Instead, we focus on the fundamental principles behind SwiftUI. We start with explaining how SwiftUI views construct render trees. These trees are essential to understanding the other fundamental concepts: layout, state, animations and the environment.
Until now we have updated all of our books for free ever since we started (over ten years ago!). Since this update of Thinking in SwiftUI is not an incremental one, but a complete rewrite from the ground up, we’ve decided to release it as a new product.
We hope you’ll enjoy the new version! You can find a PDF preview here.
Best from Berlin,
Florian and Chris